Donations through the Decades-The East Lyme Public Trust Foundation- Maintenance Funds for the Boardwalk donated by the Foundation-$52,500

In 2005, during the first dedication of the Boardwalk, the Foundation presented to the town an endowed fund of $25,000 dedicated to Boardwalk Maintenance.  In 2006, the Foundation added another $10,000 donation for dedicated Boardwalk maintenance, and it also commissioned an UConn Storm Damage Assessment Report for $7,000.

In 2007, the Foundation paid $500 for the restoration of two vandalized Dedication Bronze Plaques.

In 2008, the Public Trust Foundation again donated $10,000 to the Town of East Lyme for maintenance of the Niantic Bay Boardwalk. To help with Boardwalk security and maintenance, part of those funds was specifically used for the purchase of an all-terrain vehicle to be housed in the Support Building at Hole in the Wall Parking Lot.

The Foundation continues to be dedicated to the maintenance and improvement of the Niantic Bay Boardwalk.


Donations through the Decades-The East Lyme Public Trust Foundation- Plastic Trash Receptacles- $8,181


Donations through the Decades-The East Lyme Public Trust Foundation- Educational Pamphlets- $2,194