Harbingers of spring- Tree Planting Time in two new areas of East Lyme

In the middle of February, welong to see that first robin at McCook Park, the first pussy willow bud at theinner harbor walkway to Cini Park, and the first crocus peeking from the snowat the gardens at the Hole-in-the-Wall.  Now, participants can contribute to these signs of spring with some newplantings.

The Promise of Tomorrow’s Trees, an East Lyme Public Trust Foundation commemorativetree program started in 2011, makes available to the public trees to be placedin public spaces in East Lyme.  Thisproject helps to raise funds for the support of the Niantic Bay Boardwalk andother projects of the Foundation.  Todate, 38 trees have been planted at Cini Park, McCook Park, Bridebrook Park,The Smith-Harris House, the E.L. Library, and the E.L. Town Hall.  This year, we are delighted to announce twonew areas for THE PROMISE of TOMORROW’S TREES.

In co-operation with ChrisLund, the Director of Facilities for the East Lyme Board of Education, theFoundation will offer trees at the Flanders Elementary School and the NianticCenter Elementary School.  During theElementary School Renovations, for safety reasons, the Facilities Departmenthad to remove a number of trees at Niantic Center along Pattagansett Road.  In addition, at Flanders School, a number ofdiseased ornamental cherry and apple trees had to be removed from the innercourt yard.

Mr. Lund, who became theDirector of Board of Education Facilities in June- 2019, thought that 6-7 DogWood Trees would be very effective in the inner court yard at FlandersSchool.  At Niantic Center School, hewould like to plant a Copper Beech as a Centerpiece tree in the area to theright of the side entrance on Pattagansett Rd. Also, along the road, he has chosen three Red Oaks to replace thediseased threes that had to be removed.

This is a wonderful chancefor teachers, employees, parents, grandparents, and former students to helpbeautify the schools which give such a fine foundation to our students.  Not only will these trees be able tocommemorate people associated with the schools, they will also provide scenicbeauty and contribute to a healthy ecosystem.

A contribution of $600 fora tree will cover the cost of the tree, planting, an 8”x4” plaque, a base, anda water bag to assist in the stabilization of the tree.  Planting will take place this spring-2020.  Since the East Lyme Public Trust Foundationis a non-profit 401c, contributions are tax deductible.

June Hoye is the chairpersonfor the project in partnership with Dave Putnam, the Director of Parks andRecreation.  Her committee includes CarolMarelli and Bill Rinoski-administration.

Application forms will be available at: East Lyme Town Hall-Town Clerk’s Office, East Lyme Parks and Rec., East Lyme Library, and the E.L. Book Barn.  They also can be found on the Trust web-site: www.publictrustfoundation.org  

These application formswill also list other areas for planting that are still available.


Introduction To The Volunteers Behind The East Lyme Public Trust Foundation


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