In 2005, when the Boardwalk was first dedicated, my husband and I were fortunate enough to have the bench we sponsored placed under the only clump of trees on the Boardwalk, not far from the Cini Park entrance.  From the photo, one can see the dirt surface of the walkway.

The benches under these trees became very popular.  People enjoyed sitting, resting, and recovering before they made the trek back to Hole in the Wall.  I was always amazed that any trees could survive there in that environment of wind and waves, sun and sand!  But survive they did until the re-design and re-construction of the Boardwalk in 2015.

Because of the Pandemic, now, in 2020, I had not been down to the Boardwalk for about 5 months.  This week, when I was finally able to return, what I saw brought a smile to my face.  There, in two different areas, fairly significant trees have grown up.

Some botanists will say that these are just “junk trees”, but in a few years, their shade will be just as welcome as fancier species.  As we learn to deal with the effects of Covid-19 in our lives, we should emulate this Tenacity of Trees.


East Lyme Public Trust Foundation- Projects beyond the Boardwalk


Donations through the Decades-The East Lyme Public Trust Foundation New Entrance signs-Donation of $3,364