East Lyme Public Trust Foundation- Projects beyond the Boardwalk

June M. Hoye

Yesterday, we mentioned the contribution the Foundation made to the Trees in the Parking Area on Hope Street.  Today, we want to focus on the Park on Main Street.

In September, 2010, the Voters of East Lyme approved a Referendum to purchase the property at 224 Main St. and to finance an environmental study of the property. In 2016, when the purchase was finally completed, the town began to organize to plan for the use of the land.

The East Lyme Public Trust was delighted to serve on the Main Street Vision Sub-Committee along with representatives of the town government, Parks and Recreation, Niantic Main Street, and the Rotary Club.  During this planning period, the Foundation, represented by Joe Legg, President, and Carol Marelli, committed to share with the town the cost of the benches in the park.

The Parks and Recreation Department web-site describes the Park on Main in this way:

“Completed in 2018, the newest addition to our parks, Main Street Park is a small and quaint “pocket park”. The Niantic Main Street Park offers scenic views overlooking Niantic Bay. This is a great spot to relax and enjoy the view of trains, boats and downtown Niantic. Have a picnic or take in the view, either way we hope you enjoy the serenity that this park provides.”

As one of the participants on- line at The Day said, “After a day at Rocky Neck State Park, a short drive to Niantic for dinner, and a stroll along the boardwalk, catch the sunset over the water, ( on a bench at the Main Street Park); it all sounds like a perfect way to end the day.  Way to go Niantic!”

The East Lyme Public Trust Foundation is proud to have been a partner in this project.

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Educational Signs on the Niantic Bay Boardwalk
